SDKs & Softwares

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Integrating Maps in your project

Jawg exposes multiple Tile APIs to work with maps. To display maps, you need to use a Maps SDK.

There are already great OpenSource Maps SDKs, and we'd rather spend our nights optimizing rendering efficiency to give you the fastest maps on the market than putting our name on a brand new Maps SDK which would pretty much do the same as the others.

Raster Tiles

Raster tiles were the first approach to displaying maps. These are small squares (usually 256px) which all together form a map. These squares are png format images that already contain your map with your style applied. This makes client side display faster.

We would recommend Leaflet for raster tiles because it gives a better modular approach and has an excellent quality.


Integrating Jawg maps with Leaflet is a question of seconds. Check out the available samples and integration-guide.

Vector Tiles

Vector tiles were created after the raster tiles. These are also squares, which together form a map. This time, these squares only contain the data, so you have to associate a style to it to finally have a map. This allows for more personalization and better interactions with the map.

We would recommend using MapLibre GL for vector tiles.


Integrating Jawg maps with MapLibre GL is quick & easy. Check out the available samples and integration-guide.

Desktop / Software

To use tiles in software, you need to know which Standard to apply. Jawg can talk to different standards. We expose TMS (also named Slippy-Map-Tile, or OpenStreetMap), and WMTS APIs. Also, WMS APIs can be opened for dynamic queries in our custom plans. Contact-us for more information.

If you are using Tableau or GIS software such as ArcGIS, ArcMap or QGIS, carry on reading as we have provided specific implementations for it.


Integrate Jawg maps in QGIS version 2.0 or later with the WMTS endpoint provided by Jawg. Since QGIS 3.14, they are also supporting vector tiles !

Learn how with this tutorial:


Integrate Jawg maps in ArcGIS Desktop 10 or later with the WMTS endpoint provided by Jawg.

Learn how with this tutorial:


Integrate Jawg maps in Tableau Desktop 10 or later with the TMS files we provide for you.